Float and Salt Therapy.... A Skeptic's Review

I'm coming off a season of wins, of victories, of celebrations, of new milestones. It was a freaking exciting season. Like.. really really exciting. Yet I'm exhausted. I'm stressed. I'm burnt out. I'm emotionally drained. I feel unmotivated. I'm not productive. I've lost my creative spark. I'm trying to learn and practice grace, but that shit is hard.

But, I'm surviving. It may not be as pretty as I want it to look... but I'm doing the damn thing we call life. And my guess is, you are too. I see you. I feel you. I understand you. We are in this together, even if we are choosing to do this season alone. Always remember that. Now, more than ever, self care is so very important.

I’m coming off the most challenging week of my entire professional career. With that, I’ve been able to identify some personal warning signs… signs that I’m headed into a place I don’t want to go to… depression, increased anxiety, poor coping strategies, and pulling away from those things I once loved. I knew self care was important, and I knew that I had to pull out all of the stops this weekend.

Which brings me to float therapy. Have you heard of it? As much of a water lover I am, I’ve never really heard of it until today. Basically, you float in a Epson salt water bath for an hour… but really, it’s so much more than that! Because of all of the salt, it is a zero gravity experience that leaves you feeling like you are floating on air. Here is some basic information from A Quiet Place Flotation Spa (if you are local to San Diego, it’s a must place to check out!):

“Floating in a floatation Pod triggers a deep relaxation response, much deeper than normal sleep. It enables us to drift into the elusive Theta state, which is hard to achieve. Floatation Therapy is a special solution of salinated water utilizing 1,200 pounds of Epsom salt. The buoyancy makes floating on water feel like floating on air. Without any effort you can relieve pain, heal faster, relax, de-stress, improve sleep, and have fun in this unique state. The benefits are staggering and the experience is beyond euphoric.”.

You have questions. I get it, I did to. But let me tell you, this self-care enthusiast had the most relaxing afternoon of her life! Do I recommend it, 110%. After my one hour float session, I also hung out in the salt room for 30 minutes, lounging in a zero gravity chair. Both the float session and salt room have an incredible list of mental and physical health benefits, far beyond just stress management. I’m typically a skeptic on all things “hokey”, so I wanted to share my experience for those exploring holistic health and wellness practices. I can tell you one session in, and I’ll definitely be incorporating these into my regular self care routines.

You’ve got questions… I have answers!

  1. What is the float session process?

    I looked up several different spa’s before choosing A Quiet Place Flotation Spa, and what I can tell you, is each spa’s website does a really great job explaining the process. You can check out the spa’s website for more specific details, but basically, you go into a private room, that locks from the inside, and has everything you need. You will take a shower to rinse off, get into the flotation device, and after your float session, take another shower to wash off the salt.

  2. Let’s talk flotation device- how enclosed is it?

    Each spa will have different options for you. The spa I visited had a flotation pod. The lid does close completely, for the most relaxing experience (think tanning bed), but the good news is, you are in a locked, private room, so if you are not comfortable being enclosed, you don’t have to close it. I was pretty nervous at first, and did not plan to close the lid completely in fear of being claustrophobic, because I envisioned the pod to replicate an MRI machine. FALSE! I probably could have almost stood up in the pod, and I’m 5’8, so there is a lot more room than you think!

  3. What do I wear?

    You ready for this….. NOTHING! Ok, this may be too much information, but listen, I felt a type of way about going in nude as well… so if that’s you I get it! You can wear a bathing suit, but trust me when I say I recommend against it. Most will do the same, and after reading up on float sessions, it is because it is a sensory driven experience, which can be interfered by wearing clothing. Trust me, I feel like being vulnerable and going in nude is part of the full relaxation experience.

  4. What happens in the float pod during your hour session?

    Let me start by saying that my mind NEVER SHUTS OFF. I’m not kidding. Even when I was doing EMDR and mindfulness therapy, my brain was on in the background. Remember, skeptic in me. I totally thought that I’d be lying in this tub of water thinking about how awkward I felt being naked, and feeling worried because I was enclosed, and wondering what I should be doing, or stressing about the upcoming work week. W R O N G!!! My brain literally drifted in a matter of minutes. I’m not sure where it went, or where I went, but it was magical. It’s really hard to explain, other than I felt like I had an out of body experience. All my muscle aches went away. My body felt heavy, and it felt like I couldn’t move my arms. But a good heavy. There was meditative music playing lowly that allowed me someplace to focus. There were moments where my eyes were closed and I felt like I was sleeping, but somehow my eyes were open. I felt like it would be the longest hour of my life, but it actually went by fairly quickly.

  5. Would you do it again? Would you recommend it?

    Yes, yes, YES! Honestly, I am disappointed that I’ve never heard of this before, especially working in the mental health field and being a self care advocate. This is the perfect type of adjunct therapy that I think so many of us need and can benefit from. Let me say it again- my brain has never been so quiet. I could feel my heart rate slow down. I could feel my breathing. I feel like I left that float session a different person. Relaxed. Lighter. Ready to take on a new week.

Spending some time reading about float therapy, there are so many health benefits. Stress, depression, anxiety, migraines, pain relief, inflammation, fibromyalgia, sports injuries and poor sleep are just a small list of ailments that float therapy can assist with. I highly suggest you check out float and salt therapy near you. I promise, if self care is something that is a priority for you, this is a tool you’ll want to experience.


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